A Source to find suitable jobs, career shifts and identify talents.
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Majority, we come across JOB vacancies for professionals, who are in active employment. But there are many around us either Retired, semi-retired, on sabbatical or experienced /experiencing unintentional career breaks.

Given an opportunity, they can offer their valuable experience, skills and competencies  to businesses and organizations !

There is a change in manner, the organizations identifying the available talent and experience to add to their resource platforms!

Many organizations willing to welcome Seniors of the society, Professionals who want to be back in Working desks!

The catch is to find suitable roles and Talents. KYC Pro is a platform that Konnects.

Start Your 2nd Innings !        Sign-up


Innovation is a huge driving factor to self-motivation, passion, economic growth, technology enhancement, welfare, and resources’ advancement.

This page aims at showcasing individual talents focusing on Patents, Startup and home grown ideas. Everyone can discover Novel ideas and an opportunity for budding entrepreneurs and established firms to forge a network and collaborations.


Let your ideas soar with wings

This portal provides a space for entrepreneurs, innovators and a platform to showcase novel ideas, successful launches. An encouragement to budding entrepreneurs who on verge of showing their capabilities to community, at large


A vision can create a future

Using entrepreneurial skills combined with conceptual knowledge, individuals who already launched or in process of launching their products and services, can display their commercial startups. Ideally firms which are in process of launching and were launched in < 5yrs, can highlight their products, services

Home Ground

Follow your Passion

House wife’s, students, individuals, professionals will always thrive on doing something on their own to satisfy their passions and share. Without a commercial setup and status. they nourish and give shape to their ideas from their homes. KYCPRO is the platform for such individuals to show their


Exchanging views and knowledge became part of everyone’s life

Empowers community to gain and share  views, knowledge in a single platform.  Engage with Professionals, industry specialists, students or any individual who wish to Learn, Know, Seek, Ask and exchange knowledge, views and more…


No Retire only Rehire. Organizations face challenges in hiring specialists for for certain roles, increasing attrition adds to the shortage of skilled and experienced talents! Flexibility is the buzz word and organizations ready to welcome Experienced Interns as well! Highlight your profile , Share your thoughts by POSTING in 2nd Innings !


Organizations, Individuals can post information, updates, professional upgrades, career moves. Precisely, Whats new and What’s on can be shared. Highlight events, achievements, special notes. Let community notice the special and important information
